But, there were rules. Brazil needed white and healthy workers, kind and obedient peasants. Refugees, gypsies, politics activists, the old and the disabled were not welcomed.

There was also, in this time, a weird thesis of whitening our population with European, so natives of Asia and Africa were no longer accepted.
Brazilians farm owners were used to deal with slaves and remained with the same mentality, ill-treating and abusing the immigrants and even naming them “the white slaves”. Many immigrants, disappointed, came back to Europe. Because of this, there was a crisis between Italy and Brazil and then the immigration of Japanese began.
Brazilians farm owners were used to deal with slaves and remained with the same mentality, ill-treating and abusing the immigrants and even naming them “the white slaves”. Many immigrants, disappointed, came back to Europe. Because of this, there was a crisis between Italy and Brazil and then the immigration of Japanese began.

I think that things haven’t changed much since then. Recently some poor illegal immigrants of Africa were arrested and sent back home. But, if a rich person wants to immigrate to Brazil, certainly, he or she will be accepted.
Posted by Neide Silva.
Um comentário:
I want to comment the final part of this postage. Really what you are telling us is the true. But those things happen all over the world in the first world countries. Especially USA, CANADA, and countries in the Europe. Recently we have watched on television the conflicts that have happened in France.
The world is not fair. The wealth is not very well divided between peoples and countries.
When I think about the social injustice in BRASIL I am convinced that there is a solution. But It’s necessary to begin immediately, because the solution will take a very long time, the solution is a big/enormous investment in the basic PUBLIC EDUCATION to reach the same QUALITY of the PRIVATE EDUCATION, because this will put everybody in a very similar condition. And for my desperate what is happening is the opposite.
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