quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2007

Stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination

Stereotype is a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which is often not true.

Stereotyping doesn't allow for exceptions or individual differences.

Stereotyping is inaccurate and insulting. It prejudges a person's ability, skills and personality based on unfair assumptions about racial, physical or cultural traits.

Stereotyping can often lead to prejudice.

Prejudice is defined as an opinion or judgement, frequently unfavourable, based on inadequate knowledge or stereotyping.

Prejudice is often learned in childhood and isn't based on reality. Sometimes people aren't aware of their own prejudices because they don't know that their prejudices are based in inaccurate information.Prejudice is dangerous because it often leads to discriminatory acts.

Discrimination is the practice of treating a person or a group in society less fairly then others.It is an injust practice based on religions, colour, gender, phisycal or mental disability, marital status, source of income, age, ancestry, place of origin or sexual orientation.

Prejudice and Discrimination never can be accepted , they must be always exposed and combated, because all of the human beings have the right to live, work and play with dignity and respect.

Posted by Neide Silva.

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