domingo, 20 de maio de 2007


Espanglish, a blend of the English-language words for "Spanish" and "English" — is a name used to refer to a range of language-contact phenomena, primarily in the speech of the Hispanic population of the United States, which is exposed to both Spanish and English.

Spanglish is sometimes known by a regional name; for example, within Texas it may be called "Tex-Mex" (as distinct from the regional cuisine by the same name).

A short Spanglish conversation:

Anita: "Hola, good morning, cómo estás?"
Mark: "Well, y tú?"
Anita: "Todo bien. Pero tuve problemas parqueando mi carro this morning."
Mark: "Sí, I know. Siempre hay problemas parqueando in el área at this time".

Translation to English:

Anita: "Hello, good morning, how are you?"
Mark: "Well, and you?"
Anita: "Everything's fine, but I had problems parking my car this morning."
Mark: "Yeah, I know. There are always problems parking in this area at this time".

Translation to Spanish:

Anita: "Hola, buenos días, ¿cómo estás?"
Mark: "Bien, ¿y tú?"
Anita: "Todo bien. Pero tuve problemas estacionando//aparcando mi coche//carro//auto por la mañana."
Mark: "Sí, ya lo sé. Siempre hay problemas de estacionamiento//para aparcar en esta zona a esa hora".

Posted by Neide Silva.

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