Tex-Mex is a term used to describe American food created by or influenced by Mexican -Americans. These food may not be similar to food found in Mexico, altough it is common for all of them to be referred to as Mexican food in the United States and in some other countries.
From the South Texas region between San Antonio to Brownsville, this cuisine has had little variation and from earliest times has always been influenced by the cooking in the neighboring northern states of Mexico. The ranching culture of South Texas and Northern Mexico straddles both sides of the border.
In the twentieth century, Tex-Mex took on such Americanized elements as yellow cheese as goods from the United States became cheap and readily available.
The ingredients used are common in Mexican cuisine, although ingredients unknown in Mexico are often added.
Tex-Mex cuisine is characterized by its heavy use of meat (particularly beef), beans, and spices in addition to Mexican-style tortillas ( corn ou flour), fried or baked. Nachos, crispy tacos, crispy chalupas, chili con queso, chili con carne, chili gravy, and fajitas are all Tex-Mex inventions. Serving tortilla chips and a hot sauce or salsa as an appetizer is also an original Tex-Mex combination.
Posted by Neide Silva
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